Welcome to TechHuman. We hope that you find what you are looking for here. TechHuman exists to promote human flourishing in a digitally dominated world. We welcome constructive suggestions - if you have any comments, please let us know here: getting involved
Promoting human flourishing in a digitally dominated world
The tide of digital transformation is rising fast – touching every part of our lives. We face fundamental questions about the future of work and the future of society. Right now ‘Big Tech’ is calling the shots – pursuing its surveillance capitalist agenda in the face of inadequate legal protection for citizens. We want to help put Humanity in control of this revolution: to be intentional about embracing the benefits offered while avoiding the harms.
Evoking the spirit of Wilberforce and the great Christian reformers, we want to use the power of an orthodox Christian world view to provide insight and develop practical resources to promote human flourishing for people of all faiths and of none.
The Situation
Digital technology is transforming our lives: individually, in our families, communities and across society. Some of these advances are genuinely spectacular – offering amazing new capabilities in medical science, education, transport: for everyday life.
We enthusiastically embrace the benefits that technological innovation is bringing – but not uncritically.
For example, the incessant pursuit of a ‘surveillance capitalist’* agenda of some of the biggest technology firms, without effective legal or regulatory restraint, threatens democracy, undermines the fabric of society and seeks to limit human choice. Alongside the glossy devices and tools; we risk handing control of our lives to unaccountable businesses whose interests are dominantly driven to generate ever larger profits, rather than to benefit humanity.
*if you have not come across this phrase before, please see our review of Shoshanna Zuboff, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”
Our Purpose
We exist to host the developing conversation on the interface between digital technologies, our human future and the Christian faith. We are committed to ensuring that the conversation is technically informed, ethically grounded and theologically enriched.
We are trying to engage the widest possible range of perspectives – culturally and professionally. We do not represent a specific position on technology but aim to ensure that informed and rational perspectives have an opportunity to be heard.
Our Goal
We are developing practical insights into this fast-moving picture, together with resources aimed at helping individuals, families, communities or society at large to take advantage of opportunities offered through technological advances and to avoid some of the worst of the potential harms that may follow.
We want to produce materials that are relevant to people of all faiths and also those of none.
From articles to podcasts, book reviews to interviews - we want to equip you and keep you informed.