Getting Involved


We want to mobilise a community of action

Following us on Twitter or on the website won’t change a great deal. What we are praying for is a community of action, who will use our materials along with the many other great pieces of content being developed to promote change. We need to build more relationships, stronger relationships which will not primarily be achieved through digital means, but through human to human interaction: in our homes, our communities, our colleges and schools, our universities, our workplaces, our churches and across society as a whole.

Celebrate great use of technology, talk to people about where you see digital harm being done; our humanity being undermined. Share the resources you find that have worked for you. 

If you are interested in getting more involved in our work

We would love to hear from you, find out a little more about what brings you here, and the particular perspective and expertise that you bring, then please click on the button below. We will try our best to respond in person to all enquiries.